Wetenschapsdag 2022

Presentatie van actueel wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Tijdens de Wetenschapsdag anesthesiologie wordt de actualiteit binnen het fundamentele en klinisch wetenschappelijk anesthesiologisch onderzoek binnen Nederlandse Ziekenhuizen gepresenteerd. Deze dag wordt bezocht door zo'n 250 leden. De Wetenschapsdag biedt een vol en divers programma. Zo'n 20 auteurs presenteren hun onderzoek en daarnaast zijn gastsprekers uitgenodigd. 

Bekijk het programma van de Wetenschapsdag 2022.

Wetenschapsdag 2022: better in, better out

Op vrijdag 30 september 2022 is de NVA Wetenschapsdag met het thema: 'better in, better out". Laat je bijpraten door vooraanstaande sprekers over nieuwe anesthesiologische inzichten rondom het gehele perioperatieve proces. Naast de abstractpresentaties zijn er interessante gastsprekers uitgenodigd. Zoals dr. Daniel McIsaac.

Gastspreker dr. Daniel McIsaac

Associate scientist and anesthesiologist at The Ottawa Hospital, associate professor at the University of Ottawa, and adjunct scientist at ICES.

Perioperative frailty: the journey to better outcomes for our most vulnerable patients

Unless you specialize in pediatric anesthesia, the reality is that most of us practice geriatric anesthesia daily. More than half of people presenting for major surgery are at least 65 years old. While we recognize that older patients present greater risk when coming to the operating room, most older people ultimately benefit from having surgery. So, how can we effectively identify patients who are most likely to experience negative outcomes after surgery, support them to make the best decision about having surgery, and if they do choose to proceed, help to facilitate the best possible outcome?

In his keynote address, Dr. Daniel McIsaac will highlight the effects of an ageing population on patients, populations and the specialty of anesthesiology and perioperative medicine. Key areas of focus will include how to identify geriatric risk factors like frailty in an efficient and evidence-based manner, how to communicate the presence and implications of frailty to patients and the perioperative team, and what we can do with the information from a frailty assessment to guide preoperative optimization and perioperative care.

De abstracts lees je in de septemberuitgave van het NTvA.